They worked so hard to do this since it was going to be the last snowfall we had - or was it??? We actually made six snowmen so the whole family was represented :)
It's hard to sit still while waitin - so let's pose a little :) Jo and "squirt" as she calls my dad - they try to see who will say it first when they see eachother. Staying busy - or also trying not to be bored!!
This is James' boo-boo after he hit his ear on the side of the bleachers. He was really tough about it!!! It only bothered him if you touched it - otherwise he didn't complain a bit! You can see it was really painful - he he
Great smile ;_ So very TOUGH!!! James and JJ - Brothers to the end Jayden and Jo - sisters 'til. . . well sisters :) I figured out that if I want pics with my kids I have to take them - so here you are :)